UK New Use Class Order Legislation – September 2020
11/05/202122 Drury Lane, London, WC2B 5RH – Installation of 2 x ventilation ducts, replacement air-condensing unit, replacement of existing exhaust duct to the rear elevation, alterations to the shopfront and new signage.
Flat 3, 15 Kingdon Road, London NW6 1PJ – Roof extensions and roof terrace to top floor flat.
182 Leighton Road, NW5 2RE – Erection of roof extension, first floor rear extension and alterations to fenestration on front and rear elevations and a lawful development application for a single storey extension.
69-71 Farringdon Road, London, EC1M 3JB – Conversion of a ground floor shop unit (class A1) into two self-contained shop units and change of use of 1st floor retail unit (class A1) into one 2-bedroom flat (class C3) and removal of first floor rear extension and installation of roof lights to ground floor rear extension.
21a Islip Street, Kentish Town, NW5 2DJ – External alterations including erection of single storey side/rear infill extension at ground floor level.
Garden Flat, 28 Frognal Lane, NW3 7DT – Amalgamation of two flats (lower ground floor and ground floor) into single dwelling.
10 Highfield Mews, Compayne Gardens, NW6 3GB – Erection of single storey side extension at first floor level with rear balcony, replacement of ground floor rear extension and enlargement of rear ground floor window.
59 Marchmont Street, WC1N 1AP – Listed Building Consent and Planning Permission for external and internal alterations to the 3 flats and roof of the building.
59 Marchmont Street, WC1N 1AP – Change of use of basement from A3 restaurant to a C3 residential unit.
25D Cannon Place, London NW3 1EH – Replacement of existing roof light, installation of new roof light, and replacement of existing windows at mansard roof level with sliding glazed doors and railings to form Juliet balconies.
1 Lock Mews, NW1 9AD – Erection of a single storey rear extension and single storey side extension including conversion of the garage into habitable accommodation and installation of the new window.
14a St Pauls Crescent, NW1 9XL – Erection of single storey side and rear extension.
175/1 Malden Road, NW5 4HT – Erection of single storey rear extension.
120A Camden Street, NW1 0HY – Erection of a single storey rear extension, replacement of front staircase and installation of new entrance within lightwell.
45 Lisburne Road, NW3 2NS – Installation of a second-floor rear roof terrace (retrospective).
190 Drury Lane, WC2B 5QD – Extension of existing roof addition by enclosing the rear roof terrace.
100/15 Whitfield Street, W1T 5EA – Erection of roof terrace above top floor flat.
40 Shirlock Road, NW3 2HS – Erection of front dormer window to flat, erection of first-floor rear roof terrace.
9B Wedderburn Road, NW3 5QS – Like-for-like replacement of casement window in the rear-facing dormer.
285-287 Grays Inn Rd, WC1X 8QD – Installation of air conditioning unit located within the front light well at lower ground floor level.
285-287 Grays Inn Rd, WC1X 8QD – Advertisement Consent for new signage on the front elevation.
69 Torriano Avenue, NW5 2SG – Alterations to front elevation including enlargement of entrance doorway and ground floor window and replacement of external staircase leading to the basement.
69 Torriano Avenue, NW5 2SG – Erection of single storey rear extension at first-floor level.
15 Chalcot Gardens, London, NW3 4YB – Excavation of basement small extension to the rear and off street parking.
6 Eldon Grove, NW3 5PS – Side dormer to top floor flat in a conservation area. Granted following a successful appeal.
6 Eldon Grove, NW3 5PS – Roof terrace to top floor flat in a conservation area.
27A Bartholomew Rd, NW5 2AH – Erection of wooden fence above rear and side boundary walls.
Flat 5, 37 King Henry’s Road, NW3 – Loft conversion with the installation of three dormer windows at the front, side and rear roof slopes including a terrace in the rear roof slope. Replacement of windows to flat in a conservation area.
5 Warren Mews, W1T 6AP – Change of use from offices (Class B1) to 1 x 3-bedroom residential dwelling (Class C3).
39 Langbourne Avenue, N6 6PS – Erection of a single storey side extension to the dwelling house (Class C3).
27A Bartholomew Rd, NW5 2AH – Erection of wooden fence on rear and side boundary walls.
72 Parliament Hill, NW3 2TJ – Erection of a front porch to dwelling in a conservation area.
1 Agincourt Road, NW3 2PB – Dormer window on the rear roof elevation.
Arosfa Hotel, 83 Gower Street, London, WC1E 6HJ – Listed building consent for internal alterations to a grade II building to convert lower ground into a bedroom with ensuite
80 Queen’s Crescent, London, NW5 4EB – Erection of mansard roof extension and replacement of windows to front elevation.
158 Agar Grove, NW1 9TY – Erection of a replacement outbuilding in the rear yard to provide ancillary accommodation to the ground floor flat
3 Lisburne Road, NW3 2NS – Continued use of roof terrace with new metal railings, obscured glazed screen and new access door.
182 Leighton Road, NW5 2RE – Erection of 2no. single storey rear extensions located at lower ground floor level to dwellinghous; Erection of roof extension, first floor rear extension and alterations to fenestration on front and rear elevations.
18 Achilles Road, NW6 1EA – Permitted Development: Ground extensions, roof extensions.
6 Fortess Grove, London, NW5 2HE – Creation of roof terrace with associated external alterations.
29 Lisburne Road, NW3 2NS – Roof extension to include rear dormer and access on existing terrace, to dwelling.
48 Prince of Wales Road, London, NW5 3LN – Front porch extension and rear infill extension.
Unit 13, Apollo Studios, Charlton Kings Road, NW5 2SB – Use of the property at Unit 13 as a residential unit (Use Class C3).
66 Marquis Road, NW1 9UB – Erection of roof terrace.
1 Lidlington Place, NW1 2JU – Successful appeal and planning permission is granted for erection of three storey single family dwelling house with ground and basement level.
55 Sheaveshill Avenue, Barnet, NW9 6SD – Change of Use of from C3 to C3/D1 (Doctor’s Surgery) on the ground floor and 2 bedroom flat on the first floor; Single Storey Rear Extension; Associated Refuse Store; Cycle Parking; Vehicle Parking for 5 cars.
5 Shirehall Close, London, NW4 2QR – Roof extension including a rear and wrap around side dormer windows and 2no. roof lights to the front roof slope to facilitate a loft conversion.
1 Dinsdale Gardens, Barnet, EN5 1HE – A hip to gable roof extension with a full-width rear dormer (if possible under permitted development) and conversion of the garage into a habitable room
6B Bertram Road, NW4 3PN – Erection of french doors and railings to create Juliette balcony.
178-180 Long Lane, N3 2RA – Change of use of ground floor office unit (use class B1) into D1 use (for a veterinary surgery) including ancillary A1 (for sale of pet goods and accessories).
7 Sherwood Road, Hendon, NW4 1AE – Part single, part two storey side and rear extensions. Garage conversion into habitable room installation of windows to replace the garage door. Roof extensions involving rear and side dormer windows with 2 no. roof lights to front elevation to facilitate a loft conversion. Alterations to fenestration at all floors and associated internal alterations.
58A Crescent Road, Barnet, EN4 9RF – Part single, part two storey side/rear extension and alterations to rear garden.
3 Audley Road, Hendon, NW4 3EY – Roof extension involving rear dormer window with 3no. roof lights to front elevation to facilitate a loft conversion.
3 Audley Road, London, NW4 3EX – Single storey rear extension
38 Audley Road, London, NW4 3EY – Roof extension involving rear dormer window, 3no. rooflights to front elevation to facilitate a loft conversion
3 Langley Row, Hadley Highstone, Barnet, EN5 4PB – Single storey rear orangery extension in a conservation area.
36 Cedars Close, NW4 1TN – Building regulations for construction of the basement and other internal alterations.
2 Lytton Close, London, N2 0RH – Planning and Listed Building Consent for conversion of garage into habitable space. Removal of side access door and installation of 2no. windows. Associated internal alterations.
14 Park Road, Barnet, EN5 5SQ – Single storey side extension and two-storey side extension with associated alterations to the roof and rear projection. Removal of existing chimney breasts. Rendering to first-floor front elevation including replacement roof. Alterations to fenestration.
18 Lytton Close, London, N2 0RH – Listed building consent, Planning Permission and Hampstead GS Trust Approval for – replacement of existing windows with new double glazed windows. Enlargement of existing ground floor rear door and windows to create double door and window. Internal alterations including removal and relocation of ground floor partition walls, installation of ‘stair lift’ on stairs between ground and first floor, restoration of fire places, pet hole in the kitchen wall, new laminate flooring and internal enlargement of the master bedroom. Alterations to front garden including new side gate to replace existing and new hard standing. Enlargement of existing ground floor rear door and windows to create double door and window. Removal of ground floor partition wall.
18 Glebe Crescent, NW4 1BU – Two-storey rear extension following demolition of the existing shed. Roof extension.
18 Glebe Crescent, NW4 1BU – Roof extension involving hip to gable, rear and side dormer windows and roof lights on front roof slope to facilitate a loft conversion. Conversion of garage into habitable room including replacement of garage door with new window. New
front porch.
15 Neeld Crescent, NW4 3RP – Single story rear extension with excavation to the garden to create lower ground floor level.
126 Cleveland Gardens, NW2 1DU – Rear dormer window with Juliette balcony and roof lights to facilitate gable loft
conversion, new front porch, demolition of existing garage and erection of new ancillary outbuilding, single storey rear extension.
3 Glebe Crescent, Hendon, NW4 1BT – Replacement of existing rear dormer windows with 2no. Juliette balconies
3 Glebe Crescent, Hendon, NW4 1BT – Single storey side extension, loft conversion with hip to gable roof extension.
3 Glebe Crescent, Hendon, NW4 1BT – Double storey side extension including an extension to roof with 2no. roof lights.
6 Golders Gardens, NW11 9BT – Hip to gable roof extension with dormer window and roof lights.
140 The Vale, NW11 8SN – Prior Approval for 5m rear extension.
126 Cleveland Gardens, NW2 1DU – Rear dormer window with Juliette balcony and roof lights to facilitate gable loft conversion, new front porch, demolition of existing garage and erection of new ancillary outbuilding, single storey rear extension
22 Golders Rise, London, NW4 2HR – Single storey rear extension with a proposed depth of 6 metres from original rear wall with Sukka Roof.
3 Langley Row, Hadley Highstone, Barnet, Hertfordshire, EN5 4PB – Erection of single storey orangery at the rear elevation.
29 Garrick Avenue, NW11 9AR – Prior Approval for 6m rear extension.
25 Cheyne Walk, NW4 3QH – Single-storey side extension including new front bay window following demolition of existing garage.
16 Woodlands, NW11 9QL – Rear dormer with Juliette balcony, new roof lights to the front to facilitate partial hip to gable loft conversion. New front porch, Single storey rear extension.
66 The Drive, NW11 9TL – Ground Floor side and rear extensions, hip to gable roof extension and conversion to 2 flats.
61 Hermitage Lane, NW2 2HE – Double storey side extension, rear extension with new basement and loft extension.
35 Cloister Gardens, Edgware, Middx, HA8 9QJ – Roof extension with a wrap around both sides and rear dormer with a rear Juliet balcony to facilitate a loft conversion.
152-154 Golders Green Road, NW11 8HE – Insertion of 4 new double glazed uPVC windows to side elevation.
100-102 Hamilton Road, NW11 – Demolition of existing building and the construction of a two-story building and a room in the roof space.
5 Shirehall Close, Hendon, NW4 – Lawful Development Certificate to build a roof extension including a rear and wrap around side dormer windows and 2no. roof lights to the front roof slope to facilitate a loft conversion.
1 Braemar Gardens, Colindale, NW9 5LA – Part single, part two-storey side and rear extension. New timber decking to rear. Roof extension involving hip to gable, rear dormer window, roof lights. Single storey rear extension. New front porch.
8 Gloucester Drive, London, NW11 6BH – Double storey rear extension, a loft conversion, garage conversion & front porch extension.
22 Mayfield Gardens, London, NW4 2QA – Loft conversion with rear and side dormers.
13 Highcroft Gardens, NW11 0LY – 6m single-storey rear extension under prior approval. Side extension under Planning Permission.
Cecilia Cottage, 86 Wise Lane, London NW7 2RD – Non-material minor amendment to include size alterations to the detached garage and insertion of a single automated garage door facing the dwelling-house.
100-102 High Road, London, N2 9EB – Alterations to shop front including insertion of 1no. entrance door and staircase to facilitate access to first floor flat.
44 Brackenbury Road, N2 0ST – Single-storey rear extension.
21 Mayfield Gardens, Hendon, NW4 2PY – Roof extension involving an extension of the existing rear dormer window to create a rear/both sides wrap around dormer window and 1 no. roof light to front elevation, to facilitate a loft extension.
262 Regent Park Road, London, N3 3HN – Change of use from Use Class B1 (offices) to Use Class C3 to provide 5 units.
Stable End, Hedgerow Lane, Arkley, Barnet – Two-storey side extension including dormer window to first-floor front slope, extension of existing garage and insertion of new garage doors.
45 Green Lane, London, NW4 2AG – Single storey rear extension
8 Gloucester Drive, London, NW11 6BH – Part single, part two storey rear extension with loft conversion including wrap around side dormers new front porch and a garage conversion.
129 Sherrards Way, Barnet, EN5 2BS – Double storey side extension and garage extension
17 Princes Park Avenue, NW11 0JP – Single storey front extension including new front porch. Part single, part two storey rear extension. Part first floor side infill extension. 3no. rooflights to front elevation
75 Cornwall Gardens, Kensington, London SW7 4AZ– Listed building consent for installation of a commemorative plaque for the Ukrainian Embassy in London.
Hotel, 29 Holland Park Avenue, W11 3RW – Construction of a rear extension at first floor and second-floor levels above the present ground floor extension.
3 Lamont Road, SW10 0HP – Construction of a single storey basement and associated alterations to rear elevation.
45 Kempsford Gardens SW5 9LA – Change of Use from a house of multiple occupations and single studio flat, to five studio flats, including the creation of roof extension to provide an additional floor.
Flat A, 4 Gunter Grove and Flat C, 2 Gunter Grove, SW10 0UJ– Erection of rear single-storey lower ground floor extension with glazed roof terrace together with alterations to rear balcony door and railings.
55 Lancaster Road, W11 1QJ – Preparing a Lawful Development Application for established use of the roof terrace for over 4 years.
Studio 1D, Kensington Church Walk, W8 4NB – Change of use of rear parts of a beauty salon (sui generis) to residential (Class C3) to form an extension to existing studio flat at ground floor level.
608a Kings Road, SW6 2DX – Installation of French doors to replace the existing window at the second-floor level to the rear elevation.
1B Kensington Church Walk, W8 4NB – installation of two roof lights.
8 Queen’s Gate Place, Kensington, SW7 5NU – Reconfiguration of internal layout including partial removal of timber/plasterboard walls, reinstatement of joinery items and decorative features including flooring, architrave moldings, plasterwork, and doors. Replacement of casement windows with single glazed timber sash windows facing the courtyard.
43 Markham Square, SW3 4XA – Excavation of basement below the lower ground floor.
Flat 8, 1-5 Hornton Street, London W8 7NP – single-storey rear extension.
Flat D, 87 Duke Street, Mayfair, W1K 5PQ – Internal alterations to top floor flat in the listed building.
46 Arundel Gardens, W11 2LB – Construction of mansard roof with front and rear Juliet balcony dormers and roof lights.
46 Arundel Gardens, W11 2LB – Minor amendment application for insertion of three skylights to top floor flat in a conservation area.
17 Beauchamp Place, SW3 1NQ – Change of use from wedding dress shop (Use Class A1) to A1/sui generis use as showroom at ground floor and facial treatment area at the lower ground floor; Shop front fascia signage (illuminated).
Unit 2, 3A Montpelier Street, LONDON, SW7 1EX – Change of use of basement from A1 shop to D1 (to accommodate new GP surgery and aesthetic clinician) to provide (in conjunction with ground floor pharmacy) a medical centre.
Flat 3, 93 Cornwall Gardens, LONDON, SW7 4AX – Listed building consent for refurbishment works at basement, ground and first floor levels including reconfiguration of internal staircase and alterations to non-original stud partitions.
Flat 4, 37 Stratford Road, LONDON, W8 6RA – Replacement of rear and side windows to a flat in a conservation area.
24 Coleherne Road, SW10 9BW – Conversion from dwelling house into five flats
9 Pelham Place Kensington, London, SW7 2NQ – listed building consent 17/1469 (Installation of damp proof membrane below the basement floor; new front door, lighting and roof hatch; Restore shutters and workshop vault: Removal of chimney and fireplace and second floor toilet; replacement downpipes; Internal alterations including like for like replacement of floor, lighting, windows and doors).
85 Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BW – Change of Use from B1 to Sui Generis (medical / health centre)
18 Cope Place, W8 6AA – Single-storey rear infill extension (side extension).
9 First Street, London SW3 2LB – Installation of two external air conditioning units with acoustic enclosures to roof level.
49A Edith Grove, SW10 0LB – Obtaining building control approval for the single storey rear extension on the lower ground floor.
11 St Lawrence Terrace, W10 5SU – Architectural Drawings for establishing the use of the property.
29 Linden Gardens, W2 4HH – Retroactive application for lawfulness of roof area in continuous use as a private roof terrace.
Italian Embassy, 14 Three Kings Yard, W1K 4EH – Installation of 30 photovoltaic panels at main roof level.
20-22 Maddox Street, W1S 1PN – Creation of roof terrace and the access door in existing mansard, to be used in an ancillary capacity to Flat 3 (Class C3).
228C Kilburn Lane, W10 4BA – Rear extension on third floor flat.
111-112 Whitehall Court, SW1A 2EP – Listed Building Consent for internal alterations of four bedroom flat.
6 Hill Road, St. Johns Wood, NW8 9QG – Replacement of windows, new front door, new rear patio doors and alterations to the rear patio and stairs and, an enlargement of the skylight at the rear.
22 Bourne Street, SW1W 8JR – Extensions to the front and rear of the property with the conversion of the roof to terrace.
39-41 St Stephen’s Gardens, W2 5NA – Single-storey rear extension at lower ground floor level with Juliette balcony at ground floor level and excavation to garden (Flat 4).
39 Chepstow Place, W2 4TS – Retention of air conditioning units and installation of acoustic enclosures.
111-112 Whitehall Court, SW1A 2EP – Listed Building Consent for insertion of air conditioning unit in the internal courtyard.
95 Chippenham Road, London, W9 2AB – Use of storage space as a residential unit (Class C3). Installation of French doors at rear lower ground floor level.
26A North Audley Street, W1K 6WB – Listed Building Consent for the erection of 2.75m trellis fence.
125 Bravington Road, London W9 3AT– Erection of rear dormer window and two roof lights to front roof slope to extend existing second floor flat.
71 Springfield Road, NW8 0QJ – Erection of single-storey rear conservatory and extension to detached garage with associated alterations. Erection of single-story side extension, alterations to front boundary wall including the erection of cast iron sliding gate, railings, and construction of brick wall and piers.
44 Poland Street, W1F 7LZ – Use of basement and part ground floors as a shop (Class A1).
45 Westbourne Terrace, London, W2 3UR – Listed Building Consent for: Internal alterations including removal and addition of partitions and doors. Replacement of double glazed windows, doors and rooflights with double glazing and the replacement of single glazed windows with single glazing at third and fourth-floor level.
87D Duke Street, London, W1K 5PQ – Internal alterations to the listed building.
99 Edgware Road, W2 2HX – Alteration to shop front to include new separate access door and stairwell to the basement level.
37 Edgware Road, W2 – Change of use of Lower Ground Floor from B1 (offices) to D1 medical centre.
2 Randolph Court , Randolph Avenue, W9 1NW – Replacement of ground floor rear window with French Doors.
19 Edgware Road, W2 2JE – Change of use of Lower Ground Floor from A1 Pharmacy to D1 medical centre.
104 Edgware Road, London W2 2EA – Mixed use of premises as pharmacy on the ground floor and medical centre on the lower ground floor for a period of five years (Sui Generis).
91 Nutbourne Street London W10 4HL – Rear extension and loft conversion. Queens Park Conservation Area.
73 Edgware Road, London, W2 2HZ – Change of use of Lower Ground Floor from A1 Pharmacy to D1 medical centre.
91 York Street London W1H 4QE – Listed building Consent for Retention of railings on the first floor rear balcony.
Flat 18, Manor House, 250 Marylebone Road, NW1 5NP – Internal alterations to Grade II listed property, including the removal and the addition of partitions, and refurbishment works.
106 Crawford Street, W1H 2HY – Use of the basement and ground floor for retail and medical purposes (sui generis).
219 Baker Street London NW1 6XE – Use of part of the ground floor as an ancillary gym area for residential block (Class C3). Associated alterations to elevations.
108 -110 Camberwell Road, SE5 0EE – Change of use from A1 (retail) and A2 (financial and professional services) to D1 (non-residential institution).
80 Darrel Road, London, SE22 9NL – Construction of a ground floor single-storey ‘side and rear return’ extension incorporating a lantern skylight.
15 Janeway Street, SE16 4PS – Construction of a two-storey side extension, single storey rear extension, installation of x1 roof light to front roof slope.
Arches 225 &228, Fielding St, SE17 3HD – Change of Use from B2 (Micro Brewery) to B2 (Micro Brewery) and A4 (Bar)
Arches 225 &228, Fielding St, SE17 3HD – Use of a B2 unit as a Micro Brewery with outbuilding, chillers and flue.
37 Addington Square, SE5 7LB – Removal of condition for the conversion of the existing building into 5no. Self-contained flats.
37 Addington Square, SE5 7LB – Removal of condition to allow residents to apply for parking permits.
27B Choumert Road, SE15 4AR – Rear dormer window and roof lights to top floor flat.
109 East Dulwich Grove, SE22 8PU – Erection of a single storey rear extension extending 6 metres beyond the rear wall of the original dwelling with a maximum height of 3 metres and the eaves height of 3 metres.
8 Kirkwood Road, SE15 3XX – Single storey rear extension.
88 Hoxton Street, N1 6LP – Replacement of existing flat roof with sloping roof to single storey rear extension; increase in height of rear wall; change of use of the ground floor rear storeroom to form a 1 x 1 bed flat, and conversion of upper floors to provide a 1 x 2 bed flat; new roof lights and replace all windows with new windows.
16B-18A Pitfield Street, N1 6EY – Amalgamation of two units and change of use from A1 to a restaurant (use class A3). Alterations to rear window to provide a vent.
70 Manor Road, N16 5BN – Existing use of the premises as 8 self-contained dwellings (use class C3).
92 Queens Drive, N4 2HW – Conversion of a single family dwelling to three self-contained units including changes to the existing side and rear fenestration, demolition of the existing single storey rear extension, and erection of single storey rear extension, and excavation to the existing basement.
78 Lower Clapton Road, London, E5 0RN – Change of use of the lower ground and ground floor to a restaurant/cafe (Use Class A3) with an installation of the flue to the rear elevation (retrospective).
117 Manor Road, N16 5PB – Excavation of basement and creation of front and rear light wells, erection of rear extensions at the ground and first floor levels and elevational alterations. Conversion of house into three flats.
132 Shacklewell Lane, E8 2FG – Change of use (prior approval) of offices in the basement of residential units.
183C Graham Road, E8 1PD – Erection of a rear roof extension with Juliet balcony and three roof lights to the front roof slope.
24 Englefield Road London N1 4ET – Reduction of second floor rear wall height and replacement of the existing first floor rear single door with a double door.
29B Dalston Lane, E8 3DF – Change of use of basement from office (B1) to Tattoo Studio (Sui Generis)
5-6 Lee Street, E8 4DY – Conversion of property to provide two self-contained residential units.
50 Finsbury Park Road, N4 2JX – Erection of a front and rear dormer window – Granted by appeal.
80A Sandringham Road, E8 2LL – Single storey rear and side return extension to ground floor flat in a conservation area.
37 Mildenhall Road, E5 0RT – L shape roof extension, loft conversion with roof lights, rear extension, new front bay window. Conversion of house into three flats.
5 Hoxton Market London N1 6HG – Installation of internal extraction system and associated grille/vent.
22 Roding Road, London E5 0DW – Erection of a rear roof dormer extension and installation of 3 x roof lights on the front roof slope.
29B Dalston Lane, E8 3DF – Change of Use of basement level from B1 office to B1/Sui Generis (tattoo studio).
Hackney Community College, Falkirk Street, N1 6HQ – Retrospective application for the retention of a smoking shelter within the college campus.
22 Roding Road, E5 0DW – Erection of a rear dormer extension and installation of 3 x roof lights on the front roof slope.
116 Petherton Road, N5 2RT – Change of Use from a Car Garage (B2) to Restaurant (A3).
7/11 Bradstock Road, E9 5BZ – Alterations to create a roof terrace and installation of a roof light in south roof slope.
3 Rendlesham Road, London E5 8QB – Retrospective permission for the erection of single-storey outbuilding in rear garden at ground level incorporating green roof.
238 Stamford Hill, N16 6TT – Change of use from class B1(a) (offices) to Class C3 (dwelling houses) to provide 4 residential units at first-floor level.
Flat 412, Union Wharf, 23 Wenlock road, N1 7SZ – Installation of an air-conditioning unit at the west side of the fourth floor and associated elevational alterations
Flat B, 70 Southwold Road, Hackney, E59PS – Erection of a single storey rear/ side extension.
55 Darville Road, Hackney, N16 7PT– Mansard roof extension, single storey extensions, basement extension with front lightwell excavation.
54 Martello Street London E8 3QP – Change of use from a live-work unit (Sui Generis) to a 3 bedroom self-contained dwelling (use class C3)
4 Broadway Market Mews, E8 4TS – Change of use of premises from nursery (Class D1) to art gallery and tattoo studio (Sui Generis)
7-8 Charlotte Rd, London EC2A 3DH – Installation of air-conditioning condenser units and associated ducting at roof level
46-54 Oldhill Street, Stamford Hill, N16 6NA – Three storey building comprising commercial units on the ground floor and residential units (up to 8 units) on the upper floors + 2 town houses.
27 Queens Drive, London, N4 2SZ – Erection of garden / boundary fence with roller bars above (retrospective); further erection of roller bars above garden fence at rear and associated works.
10D Amersham Road, London SE14 6QE – Mansard roof extension with dormers and the creation of self-contained residential unit.
8 Tressillian Crescent, SE4 1QJ – The installation of replacement double glazed timber sash windows to the front and rear elevations.
2 Beacon Road, SE13 6EH – Construction of a single storey infill extension to the rear elevation
60 Springbank Rd, SE13 6SN – The alteration and conversion of the original flat above 60 Springbank Road SE13, to provide 1, one bedroom, 2 person flat and 1, one bedroom, 1 person flat including the provision of cycle spaces to the rear.
25-27 Ravensbourne Park, SE6 4XY – The construction of a single storey rear extension, refuse store and landscaping together with internal alterations.
30 Dacres Road, London, SE23 2NW – Double storey side extension, conversion into three flats .
Gunton Mews, Nightingale Grove, SE13 6AU – Building regulations for building control approval and Tender Pack for Builders for a new-build residential development
220 Brixton Hill, London SW2 1HE – Retention and redecoration of existing shop front door, windows, frame and mouldings following removal of exiting shop awning and sign.
2B Hannover Gardens, SE11 5TL – listed Building Consent for replacement of lower ground white timber rear patio doors with double glazed timber sliding doors. Removal and replacement of front doors to reconfigure entrance to lower ground floor flat.
Flat 3, 101 Norwood Road, SE24 9AE – Replacement of existing roof in a conservation area with new matching clay roof tiles, guttering, fascia and soffits.
27 Trinity Rise, SW2 2QP – Retrospective application for the installation of a rear balcony at first-floor level, including the demolition of external staircase and installation of bi-folding doors to the rear at ground floor level.
10 Clapham High St, London SW4 7UT – Application for a change of use of the ground floor from A1 use to Sui Generis.
1 Priory Grove London SW8 2PD – Demolition of the existing boundary wall on Landsdowne Way and replacement with the new matching wall.
32 Rommany Road, Gypsy Hill, SE27 9PX – Erection of a ground floor single storey rear/side wrap around the extension.
101 Norwood Road, London, SE24 9AE – Replacement of existing roof with new matching clay roof tiles, guttering, fascia and soffits.
24 Broadlands Avenue, London, SW16 1NA – Application for prior approval for the erection of a single storey ground floor rear extension with dimensions of 5.6m (length), 4m (total maximum height) and 3m (height to the eaves).
96 Strathbrook Road, SW16 3AZ – Demolition of rear outhouse, removal of 2 small windows to rear elevation, installation of rear sliding doors to the ground floor and rear steps together with replacement of windows to front and rear elevations (in Conservation Area).
34 Bromell’s Road London SW4 0BG – Use of 5-7 vehicle parking spaces for residents at no. 34.
9 Strathdale, SW16 2HT – Loft conversion with rear dormer and rooflights, Building Regulations.
15, Belton Road, Forest Gate, London, E7 9PF – Proposed conversion of loft space to provide a self-contained flat.
159 Folkestone Rd, E6 6AZ – Double storey side extension, extension of existing conservatory
99C Woodford Road, E7 0DL – Demolition of detached garage and part of side extension and erect side extension to flat.
15 Samson Street, London E13 9EJ – Erection of an end of terrace two-storey residential building comprising 3 bedrooms.
162 Caulfield Road, Eastham, E6 2DG – Retention of existing rear extension and outbuilding.
30 Wordsworth Ave, W12 6SU – Single-storey rear extension, L shape roof extension with dormer window and roof lights.
98 Clarence Road, London E12 5BH – Garage conversion and replacement of garage door with new window.
27 High Street North, East Ham E6 1HS – Alterations to the shop front.
15 Dacre Road, E13 0PT – Single-storey rear and side return extension to garden flat.
37 Holborn Road, E13 8PB – Double storey side extension, single storey rear extension, roof extension with rear dormer and roof lights.
238 Romford Road, London E7 9HZ – Change of use from offices (Use Class B1a) to nursery (Use Class D1) with associated refuse store, cycle parking and landscaping.
93 Windsor Road, E7 0RA – Drawings for a new driveway at the front of property located in a conservation area.
7 Willoughby Road, N8 0HR – Prior approval change of use from B1 (a) use to C3 use
Flat 2, 33 Clyde Road, N22 – Retrospective permission for installation of a wooden balustrade with glazed obscured screen and door leading onto the flat roof at the rear forming a roof terrace/ balcony.
150 Harringay Road, N15 3HL – Conversion of dwelling house into two self-contained units comprising 1 x 3 bedroom flat and 1 x 2 bedroom flat with associated refuse and cycle store; single storey infill extension, alterations to the roof.
84 Blake Road, N11 – First-floor side extension including construction of additional front bay windows to match existing and new porch. Hip to gable roof extension including rear dormer incorporating a Juliet balcony and three roof lights.
7A Tetherdown, Haringey, N10 1NB – Change of use from A2 (financial and professional services) to A3 (restaurant and Cafe)
465 Green Lanes, N4 1HE – Change of use of rear mews unit from mechanic’s garage (Sui Generis) to one bedroom flat (C3), including the removal of the garage door, installation of a new door, replacement windows, and new roof lights.
Flat 1, 85 Hermitage Road, N4 1LU – Single-storey rear extension to ground floor flat.
551 High Road, N17 6SB – Change of use from A2 (Lettings Agents) to D1 (Doctor’s Surgery).
11 Churston Gardens, N11 2NJ – Certificate of lawfulness for the formation of a rear dormer and hip to gable extension including the insertion of roof lights and Juliet balcony.
17 Moselle Ave, N22 6ES – Removal of existing outbuilding, erection of a single storey rear extension.
99 Seymour Avenue, London, N17 9RG – Erection of a single storey side infill extension.
26 Seymour Avenue, N17 9EB – Erection of a single storey rear infill extension.
72 Crouch End Hill, Haringey, N8 8AG – Change of use from A1 Retail to A1/D1 Dental
33 Clyde Road, N22 7AD – Retrospective permission for installation of a wooden balustrade with glazed obscured screen and door leading on to the flat roof at the rear forming a roof terrace/ balcony.
84 Blake Road N11 2AH – Side extension and hip to gable roof extension.
Enotria House, 23 Cumberland Avenue, NW10 7RX – Retrospective planning permission to retain the canopy on a permanent basis.
106 Craven Park, London, NW10 8QE – Proposed rear extension on second floor of bed & breakfast.
39 Salmon Street, London, NW9 8PP – Demolition of existing house, erection of new detached house with a basement, part single part double storey rear extension, double storey side extension, rear dormer window and roof lights on side elevations, raised patio.
14 James Avenue, London NW2 4AJ – Loft conversion involving side/return dormer, single storey side extension.
42 Dewsbury Road, NW10 1ER – single-story rear extension, construction of rear dormer window and installations of 2 front roof lights.
22 Burns Road, Wembley, HA0 1JR – Rear dormer window with Juliet balcony and 2 front roof lights to the dwelling house, and removal of the chimney.
15 Brenthurst Road, NW10 2DX – Erection of a rear dormer with windows and roof light.
14 Homestead Park, NW2 6JB – Single-storey rear extension, double storey side extension, loft conversion with roof lights in Article 4 designated area and conservation area.
25A Kempe Road, NW6 6SP – Erection of proposed side infill extension.
50 High Street, London, NW10 4LS – Retrospective change of use from A1 shop to sandwich bar/café shop (A1/A3) with two tables and chairs on the pavement and new shop front and open grill roller shutter.
12 Lennox Gardens, London, NW10 1AB – Single storey rear extension, hip-to-gable roof extension, rear dormer window and two front roof lights to dwellinghouse.
6 Pear Close, London, NW9 0LJ – Garage conversion with roof lights and alterations to front garden in Conservation Area.
6 Pear Close, London, NW9 0LJ – Rear dormer window and roof lights.
153 Geary Road, London, NW10 1HS – A permitted development application for a hip to gable roof extension, rear dormer, roof lights and a single storey side extension.
1 Wrottesley Road, London, NW10 5XA – Demolition of the existing 2-storey end of terrace property (part C3 residential and part B1 office), and erection of a new 2-storey building comprising of four self-contained flats with amenity space and refuse at the rear.
Garages site between 15b and 17 Northdown Close, Ruislip HA4 6JZ – Demolition of existing garages and erection of a 2 storey new-build 3 bedroom house.
28 Bideford Road, Ruislip, HA4 0UB – Conversion or roof space to habitable use to include a rear dormer, 2 rear roof lights and conversion of roof space from hip to gable end.
14 Croft Close, Uxbridge, UB10 9LJ – Erection of front dormer window.
14 Croft Close, Uxbridge, UB10 9LJ – Garage conversion, rear extension with rear conservatory.
91 The Greenway, Uxbridge, UB8 2PN – Change of use from a single family dwelling (Use Class C3) to a House in Multiple Occupation (Use Class C4)
First Floor Flat, 34 Ellingham Road, W12 9PR – Installation of a new door to replace the existing door and the erection of obscure glass balustrades around the flat roof at the second-floor level to the rear elevation, in connection with its use as a terrace.
271 Goldhawk Road, W12 8EU – Erection of a single storey summer house ancillary to the main dwelling house following the demolition of existing sheds in the rear garden; formation of a swimming pool and associated landscaping in the rear garden.
72-73 Compass House, 5 Park Street, SW6 2FB – Conversion of Flat 72 and Flat 73 into a single self-contained flat.
5 and 5a Palliser Road, W14 9EB – Erection of a rear extension at lower ground floor level following the removal of the existing rear balcony and external staircase at upper ground floor level.
1 Bishop’s Mansion, Bishop’s Park Road, SW6 6DZ – Replacement of existing single glazed timber windows with new double glazed timber windows at ground floor level.
171 Dawes Road, Fulham, SW6 7QP – New shop front.
42A Percy Road, W12 9QA – Erection of a single storey rear extension to the existing back addition.
62-64 The Arches, New Kings Road, SW6 3UH – Use of part of the ground floor as an office ancillary to the garage repair business; alterations to the front elevation including new glass frontage and louvers.
66a Colehill Lane, SW6 5EG – Installation of the obscured glazed window at basement level to the rear elevation in Conservation Area.
– Erection of a single storey rear extension to the side of the existing back addition; replacement of existing door and window with new door and a window to the side of single storey back addition; replacement of existing doors with folding doors at ground floor level to the rear elevation; alterations to the pitch roof of single storey back addition to include installation of new rooflights.
35 Aldbourne Road, White City, W12 0LW – Erection of a rear roof extension; and erection of an extension at the second-floor level over part of the existing back addition.
Flat A, 608 King’s Road, London SW6 2DX – Installation of French doors to replace the existing window at the second-floor level to the rear elevation.
40 Hetley Road, Shepherds Bush, W12 8BB – Conversion of flat into 2 x onebedroom flats.
44a Lambrook Terrace, SW6 6TG – Installation of door ro replace window at rear roof level; removal of part of roof of back addition to form roof terrace glass at second floor level.
Garages in Heathwall Street, SW11 5NG – Demolition of existing garages and erection of a single storey residential dwelling with a basement below and off-street parking.
1 Effort Street, London, SW17 0QP – Demolition of existing building and erection of part two, part three storey building to provide 4 x 2-bedroom and 1 x 3-bedroom flats with associated landscaping, cycle and refuse storage.
1 Franche Court Road SW17 0JX – Erection of a roof extension to the main rear roof and above part of two storey back addition and installation of roof lights to front elevation.
17 Leathwaite Rd, London SW11 1XQ – Installation of french doors and safety railings to enlarge roof terrace at third floor level (retrospective)
155 St Johns Hill, SW11 1QT – Installation of replacement shopfront.
86a East Hill, Wandsworth, SW18 2HG – Erection of a single storey rear/side extension at lower ground floor.
104 Selkirk Road, SW17 0EP – Conversion of house into two flats under lawful development.
69 Balham High Road, SW12 9AP – Change of use of premises from Class A1 (shops) to Class D2 (assembly & leisure)
40 Greenstead Gardens, SW15 5AJ – Erection of replacement outbuilding in the side garden.
45 Lavender Hill, SW11 5QW – Change of use of ground and basement levels from A4 to D2 (Dance Studio).
45 Lavender Hill, SW11 5QW – Relocation of cycle store and new opening at rear elevation.
3b Boutflower Road, SW11 1RE – Installation of a roof terrace to the main roof with glass balustrade, 1.7m high frosted glass screen to east elevation, and external staircase access from the rear third floor.
241a Mitcham Lane, SW16 6PY – Erection of mansard roof extension to the main rear roof, roof terrace with 1.7m high obscured glazed screen surround above part of a two-story rear addition and front roof lights.
87 Chelverton Road SW15 1RW – Erection of single-story rear extension.
65 Wandsworth Common West Side, SW18 2ED – Excavation to enlarge basement including formation of front and rear lightwells with grilles over.
5 Lavender Sweep, Battersea, SW11 1HE – Formation of a roof terrace with safety railings over two-story rear
254 Lavender Hill, Clapham, London SW11 1LJ – Use of basement as a tanning salon.
55 Temperley Road, Wandsworth SW12 8QE – Erection of mansard roof extension to main rear roof including raising ridge height, extension above part of two-story rear addition and erection of double storey side extension and single-story rear extension.
32 Home Road, London, SW11 3EZ – A mansard roof extension to your top floor flat.
9 Bective Place SW15 2PQ – Alterations including insertion of windows to ground floor front elevation in connection with use of garage as additional habitable accommodation.
47 Melody Road, SW18 2PQ – Building Regulations for Building Control Approval – single storey extension
103 Pearcroft Road, Leytonstone, London, E11 4DP – Construction of single storey rear and side extension.
249 Capworth Street, E10 7AJ – Construction of dormer roof extension to main rear roof and part extension above two storey outrigger, together with installation of two roof lights to front roof slope.
11 Woodville Road, Leytonstone, London, E11 3BH – New 2-bedroom house, two storey extension, roof extension
78 Mornington Road, E11 3DX – Part single, part double storey rear extension. Granted by committee.
23 Church Hill, Walthamstow E17 3AD – Change of use of offices (B1a) to 8 flats (C3).
23 Church Hill, Walthamstow E17 3AD – Erection of new front door on the lower ground floor level.
8 Boscombe Avenue, Leyton, E10 6HY – Retrospective permission for use of the single dwelling as an HMO (8 people).
29 Hartley Road, E11 3BL – Loft conversion with two rear dormer windows and three roof lights at the front and one roof light to the rear.
51 Farmer Road London E10 5DL – Lawful development application for a full-width rear dormer and a replacement single-story extension.
12 Mascalls Road, Charlton, SE7 7DZ – Construction of a part single part two-story rear extension.
29 Meerbrook Road, Kidbrooke, SE3 9QG – Construction of a single storey rear extension.
209 Woodcote Road, Wallington, CR8 3PB – Retention of a single storey rear extension, a single storey side extension, and alterations
to two storey flat roof element.
25 Cleanthus Road, London, SE18 3DE – Single storey infill extension.
121 McLeod Road, SE2 0BW – surveying the elevations of the property and production of drawings
25 Fowey Avenue, Redbridge, IG4 5JT – Single-storey rear extension with lantern roof light and single storey side/rear.
34 Stanley Road, South Woodford, E18 2NS – Single-storey rear/side extension.
34 Stanley Road, South Woodford, E18 2NS – Extension above two-story rear projection.
Unit P2 and P3, 8-10 Roebuck Road, Hainault, IG6 3UF – Change of use from (B1) office with ancillary (A3) Cafe use. Canopy structure to the front.
8 Hollybush Close E11 1PZ – Single storey front bay window. Part first floor front extension.
393 Abbey Road, Belvedere, Kent DA17 5DH – Change of use from a single dwelling (Class C3) to HMO (House of Multiple Occupancy Class C4) for 6 people.
29 Parkway, Erith, Kent – Revised application for a garage conversion to habitable space. This space will be used for ancillary purposes (such as playroom, gym, office, study) and will include an external door and windows.
6 Montgomery Close, Sidcup, Kent, DA15 8RA – Erection of 5.5m single-story rear extension and side extension.
61 Fairford Avenue, DA7 6QW – Single-storey side and rear extension and loft extension.
35 Thanet Road, DA8 3RB – Internal alterations to house and production of building regulations
86 Hamilton Road, SW19 1JF – Erection of a rear roof extension with the installation of 3 roof lights to front roof slope.
11 Margin Drive, Wimbledon, SW19 5HA – Erection of a front boundary wall and gate.
88 Toynbee Road, London, SW20 8SL – Erection of a rear roof extension with the installation of 3 x roof lights to front roof slope.
72B Seely Road, Tooting, London SW17 9QT – Erection of a rear roof extension and the installation of 3 X roof lights to the front roof slope.
140A Upper Street, N1 1QY – Listed Building Consent for conversion of the A3 unit at second and third floor level and ancillary storage to create a 2- bedroom flat (Class C3), with associated refuse and gas meter at ground floor level, boiler flue at rear, extract on roof, replacement of side door at ground floor level, internal alterations.
Flat 2, 6 Mildmay Grove South, N1 4RL – Erection of outbuilding in rear garden, removal of tree in conservation area.
Flat 3 & 4, 5 Garrett Street, London, EC1Y 0TT – Amalgamation of two x 1 bedroom flats into one family size flat (3 bedrooms)
Flat A, 52 Isledon Road, Islington, N7 7LD – Alteration to roof addition and raising of the rear parapet.
29 Freegrove Road, Islington, London, N7 9RG – Demolition of existing ground floor rear extension and erection of a single storey rear/side extension.
Flat A, 3 Thornhill Crescent, London N1 1BL – Listed building consent for retention of an en-suite bathroom and sink in utility room.
Halton House, Halton Road, N1 2EJ – Replacement of sash windows with double glazed sash windows to all 14 flats.
491 Holloway Road, N19 4DD – Replacement of existing window and door units at front basement elevation with timber framed windows and door.
29A Cobble Lane, N1 1SF – Change of use from B1(c) workshop to live/work unit and construction of basement.
Flat A, 75 Northchurch Road, London, N1 3NU – Removal of existing ground floor level and installation of boiler flue (lower ground floor level) on front elevation.
342 Caledonian Rd, N1 1BB (flat 6)– Installation of 2 no. Velux windows into butterfly roof; 2 no. roof lights on existing flat roof and replacement of 2 no. existing UPVC windows like for like.
4A Almorah Road, Islington, N1 3EU – Installation of conservation-style roof light in front roof slope.
29 Napier Terrace, London, N1 1TJ – Erection of single-storey rear ground floor extension.
1A Waterlow Road, London, N19 5NJ – Change of use from offices to four flats.
14 St Paul’s Place, N1 2QE – Replace front railings, gate post and gate.
Flat 28, 43-53 Myddelton Square, EC1R 1YD – Replace existing crittall windows in the bathroom, bedroom, kitchen and balcony door with powder coated white aluminium BFRC B Rated for thermal efficiency.
Charles Rowan House, Flat 90, Margery Street, WC1X 0EJ – Application for listed building consent. Internal alterations to a flat to include new flooring, new lighting, new kitchen and a new bathroom; Replacement of bathroom window glazing and railings.
2 St. Jude Street, N16 8JT – Change of use from Bed and Breakfast (C1) to a House in Multiple Occupation (sui generis)
156 St Pauls Road, N1 2LL – Erection of a single storey rear extension.
47F St Paul’s Road, London N1 2LT – Installation of 2 no. rooflights to the rear roof slope and 1 no. rooflight to the front roofslope.
198 New North Road, N1 7BJ – Erection of single storey rear extension
40 Marriott Road, N4 3QL – Single storey rear extension.
8 Park Road, Enfield, EN3 6LP – Conversion of single dwelling into 1 x 3 bed and 1 x 1 bed self-contained flats – Granted by appeal.
891 Green Lanes London N21 2QP – Conversion part of ground floor and first floor from offices (B1) to a gymnasium/ personal training centre (D2) with ancillary offices and alterations to fenestration at front.
2 Ulleswater Villas, Ullswater Road, N14 7BP – Erection of rear dormer window and replacement of roof tiles in a conservation area.
72 Peartree Road Enfield, EN1 3DE – Erection of a rear dormer, part single, part two storey side extension and single storey rear extension
1 Amwell Close, Enfield, EN2 6HE – Single storey side and rear extension.
102 Green Street, Enfield, EN3 7HP – Conversion of ground floor from public house to 2 x 1-bed self-contained flats involving the erection of a single storey rear extension.
29 Derwent Road London N13 4PY – Installation of new metal railings and gates to front and side boundary.
11 Park Way, EN2 7DS – Part single, part 2-storey rear extension, first floor rear extension and rear dormer.
40 Claremont Street, N18 2RR – Single storey rear extension, loft conversion with rear dormer.
46 Old Park Road, London, N13 4RE – The replacement of the front bay windows on the ground floor flat.
51 Woodgrange Gardens, Enfield, EN1 1ER – Single storey rear extension 4m deep x 3m high (2.45m high to eaves).
24 The Close, Southgate, Enfield, N14 6DN – Single storey side, part single part 2-storey rear and front extensions, involving removal of chimney.
70 Queen Elizabeths Drive, N14 6RD – Rear dormer roof extension and rooflights.
Flat 6, 48 Fore Street, Edmonton, London, N18 2SS – Conversion of existing flat to studio and 1 bedroom flat and erection of rear dormer.
9 Blagden’s Close, N14 6DE – Conversion of house into 3 flats with associated amenity and parking
151 High Street, London, SE1 1HR – Retrospective approval for internal and external works to barber shop in listed building
62 Lonsdale Drive, Enfield EN2 7LP – Installation of a timber decking at the rear with obscured glazed screens.
Carter House, 40 Sydenham Road, Croydon, CR0 2EF – Changes of use from B1 offices to use as a state funded school or nursery (D1).
55 Leslie Grove, Croydon, CR0 6TJ – Erection of single-storey rear extension, dormers in rear roof slopes, roof lights in front roof slope and removal of the chimney.
69 Blenheim Park Road, CR2 6BJ – Erection of a single storey extension to a ground floor flat.
8 Blenheim Park Road, South Croydon, CR2 6BB – Conversion of a house to form 2 x two bedroom and 1 x one bedroom flats; provision of associated cycle parking and refuse area; Erection of dormer extension in rear roof slope with roof lights at the front.
183 Davidson Road, Croydon CR0 6DP – Conversion of the property into two self contained flats
1583 London Road, Norbury, SW16 4AA – Change of use from A1 retail unit to A3 Cafe/Restaurant.
44 Byron Road, CR2 8DY – Retention of rear decking.
12 The Ridge Way, Croydon, CR2 0LE – Erection of single/two storey rear extension; roof extension with roof lights
1 Ranmore Avenue, Croydon, CR0 5QA – Alterations; erection of two-storey rear extension; single storey infill extension to the front elevation, erection of first-floor front extension; erection of dormer extension in front roof slope and installation of dome roof light. Erection of single/two-story front side and rear extensions and alterations to roof and fenestration.
56 St. Augustines Ave, CR2 6JJ – Erection of single-storey rear extension.
53 Smitham Bottom Lane, Purley, Surrey, CR8 3DF – Erection of a single/two-story side/rear extension and erection of front porch, Installation of roof lights in front, side and rear roof slopes; Alterations to front boundary and erection of electric entrance gates and piers.
68 Orleans Road, Upper Norwood, London, SE19 3TA – Erection of a two storey side extension, single storey rear extension, single storey front extension, and a rear dormer
20 Church Road, Crystal Palace, SE19 2ET – Use of ground floor and lower ground floor as pottery and arts and crafts centre, erection of shed at rear.
The White House, 68 Orleans Road, Crystal Palace SE19 3TA – Erection of single/two-story side/rear extension to include porch and dormer extension in rear roof slope.
133 Bensham Manor Road, Thornton Heath, CR7 7AJ – Conversion to form a two, two bedrooms and a one bedroom flat and the erection of a single storey rear extension provision of associated off-street parking; provision of associated cycle and refuse storage.
207 Davidson Road, CR0 6DP – Erection of dormers in the side/ rear roof slope and rooflights in the front roof slope. Erection of single storey rear extension projecting out 6 metres with a maximum height of 3 metres. Conversion of house into 7 person HMO.
46 Marchmont Road, Wallington SM6 9NU – Erection of a single-storey rear extension and conversion of loft space involving alterations to existing roofline, a dormer extension at rear and rooflights to front and side roof slopes.
12 Albert Road, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 4RX – Loft conversion with rear dormer extension at the rear, two roof lights at front and alterations to the existing roofline. Erection of a single storey extension and provision of decking at rear.
209 Woodcote Road, Wallington, CR8 3PB – Retention of a single storey rear extension, a single storey side extension, and alterations
to two storey flat roof element.
Vulcan House, Restmor Way, Hackbridge SM6 7AH – Retention of existing windows and alterations to elevations incorporating cladding and new windows and doors. Change of use of MOT to offices.
2 Greenford Avenue, W7 3QP – Change of use from Shop (class A1) to residential (class C3) to accommodate 1 x 2 bedroom residential unit.
2 Greenford Avenue, W7 3QP – Alteration to front elevation facade; removal of door and installation of new windows.
110 Sudbury Heights Avenue, Greenford, UB6 0LY – Part two storey and single storey side and rear extensions; rear roof extension; and installation of two roof lights to the front roof slope, single storey front porch extension, single storey detached garden outbuilding for use as a store, gym and sauna.
56 Popes Lane, London, W5 4NT – Use of property as an HMO (C4 use class)
34 Creffield Road, London, W5 3RP Conversion to flats, roof extension, rear extension.
11 Woodfield Avenue, Ealing, W5 1PA – Retention of single storey rear garden outbuilding in use as study and store in Conservation Area.
6 Oak Hill Road, Beckenham, BR3 6NQ – Change of use of the vacant retail area on ground-floor, to a one bedroom flat and associated alterations.
26 Versailles Rd, London, SE20 8AX – New side doors on a rear addition and replacement of windows and doors.
10 Husseywell Crescent, Hayes, BR2 7LN – Single-storey side/rear extension.
6 Oakhill Road, BR3 6NQ – Rear dormer extension to provide habitable accommodation within the roof space.
23 Genoa Road, SE20 8ES – Retention of single-storey rear extension and access ramp to day nursery
18 Hawkhurst Way, West Wickerham, BR4 9PF – Double story side extension, front porch extension, hip to gable roof extension with rear dormer window.
39 Lakeside Drive, BR2 8QQ – Single-storey rear extension.
26 Versailles Rd, London, SE20 8AX – Singley storey rear extension on the side of a rear extension with skylights and a window.
189 Chislehurst Road, Petts Wood, Orpington, BR5 1NP – Double storey side extension and change of use to D1.
7 Homesdale Road, BR2 9JQ – construction of 1st & 2nd floor rear extension with terrace and internal alterations to form 3 flats, together with a part change of use at ground floor from A1 shop to c3 residential.
100 Saint Georges Road, Dagenham, RM9 5JT – Change of use from dwelling (Use Class C3) to children’s care home (Use Class C2).
47 Shortcroft Road, Dagenham, RM9 5PH – front porch, single storey rear extension, loft conversion with rear dormer, Juliet balcony, roof lights, hard standing for new driveway and outbuilding.
36 Curzon Crescent, Barking, Essex, IG11 0JY – Erection of two-story side extension, part single/part two-storey rear extension and alterations to roof to form ‘crown roof’
12 Ross Avenue, Dagenham, RM8 1PU – lawful development certificate for a hip to gable roof extension with a rear dormer and roof lights.
182 Oxlow Lane, Dagenham, RM10 7AW– Application for prior approval of proposed single-storey rear extension, Loft Conversion with Rear Dormer and Rooflights.
36 Northfield Road, Hounslow, TW5 9JF – Certificate of lawfulness for the proposed use of part of the property as a minicab booking office with no visiting staff or customers.
56 Bedfont Road, TW13 4LT – Retrospective application for the erection of Biomass Boilers.
3 Collingwood Avenue, Surbiton, Surrey, KT5 9PT – Erection of hip to gable and rear dormer roof extensions with installation of 2x front and 1x side rooflights to facilitate loft conversion
Stockbury House, Church St, Storrington, RH20 4LD – Change of use from offices (B1(a)) to a dental practice (D1). Window alterations to front elevation and construction of front access ramp and steps.
41 Lichfield Terrace Upminster, RM14 3JX – Change of use and conversion from ground floor A1 shop and five-bedroom dwelling to 1no. three-bedroom house and 1no. two-bedroom house.
44 High Street, Hornchurch, RM12 4UN – External alterations in connection with the ancillary takeaway facility, change of use from A3 to A3/A5.
30 Birch Road, Romford, RM7 8EP – Retention of an ancillary outbuilding in the rear garden.
73 Plumpton Avenue, London RM12 6BB – Single storey 6m rear extension erection of hip to gable with rear dormer and roof-lights
5-7 Market Place, Bury, BL9 0AH – Alteration and installation of new shop fronts.
Unit 1-3, Goodlad Street, Bury, BL8 1SX – Removal/alteration of boundary fencing/gate and erection of new 1.8 metre high paladin fencing and gate to part of boundary.
Ribblesdale House, Market Place, Bury BL9 0LD – Conversion of a medical centre into 8no. residential units.
20 Brookfields, Manchester M25 1EL – Double storey rear extension.
11 School Grove, Prestwich, Manchester, M25 9RJ – Double storey side and rear extension.
54 Princess Street, Manchester M1 6HS – Change of use of listed vacant unit to restaurant and bar.
47 Peter Street, Manchester M1 – Listed Building Consent – Internal and external works associated with a proposed bar/restaurant use on the internal basement and ground floor levels.
1046 Stockport Road, Manchester, M19 3WX – Erection of a single storey detached office building B1 Use Class with separate access from Kevin Street
Eastern Bloc Records, 5A Stevenson Square, Manchester, M1 1DM – Retention of tables and chairs on the pavement at the front of the above premises.
61 Great Ducie Street, Manchester, M3 1RR – Statement for a change of use of the above property from an industrial warehouse (B2 use) to trampoline park (D2).
Unit 42-44 Fountain Street, M2 2AX – Change of use from vacant premises to dual use A1 hairdressers/D1 hairdressers training academy (sui generis) premises
3-5 Park Crescent, Manchester, M14 5DU – Noise impact assessment and change of opening hours for a commercial unit.
555 Liverpool Street, Salford M6 5GY – Prior Approval for a Proposed Change of Use from A1 (vacant shop) to C3 (4 No. residential units)
72 Leicester Road, M7 4AR – Change of use of ground floor front room from B1 (office) to A1 (hairdressers). Display of 3 non-illuminated fascia signs.
10 New Cross Street, Swinton M27 4TU – Erection of garden fence to the side of the property.
1-3 Bolton Road and 6-10 High Street, Worsley, Manchester – Change of use from a former bank (A2) to 12 flats (C3).
Unit 2, Westminster House, Thorley Street, M35 9PA – Retrospective application for a change of use from vacant unit to gym (Use class D2)
2 Royal Gardens, Bowdon, WA14 3GX – Erection of new front boundary wall up to 1m high.
98 Bankhall Lane, Hale Barns, WA15 0NB – Change of use from residential (Use Class C3) to residential home with care (Use Class C2)
6 Lower Tail, Carpenders Park, Herts, WD19 5DD – Side extension, garage conversion and rear extension.
130 High Street Rickmansworth, WD3 – Change of use from A1 (hairdresser) to Sui generis (nail salon).
65 Carpenters Avenue, Watford, WD19 5BP – Single-storey rear extension, loft conversion with hip to gable roof extension, rear dormer & front roof lights.
89-93 Turners Hill, Cheshunt – Change of use of the first floor from B1 offices to C3 4no. Self-contained flats.
Ground Floor Flat 9, Vernon Close, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 1PB – Single-storey rear extension.
9 Vernon Close, St Albans, AL1 1PB – Single-storey rear infill extension.
17-19 Park Street West, Luton, LU1 3BE – Mansard roof extension at rear, creation of two residential units Rochdale
Parklands, 87- 89 Falinge Road, Rochdale, OL12 6LB – Change of use and conversion of vacant care home into 23 flats including alterations to elevations and two front dormers. Bolton
18 Mealhouse Lane, Bolton BL1 1DD – Change of use and conversion of first and second floors from Snooker Hall (D2) to 10 no. Self-contained flats (C3) together with minor alterations to ground floor layout (A1/A2).
5 Horny Drive, Nantwich, CW5 6JP – Retrospective Planning to retain the rear garden shed.
1 Canal St, Chester CH1 4EJ – Change of use from offices /medical to offices /medical and beauty treatment (sui generis)
12 Chesford Grange, Warrington WA1 4RE – Retrospective change of use of premises to specialist car servicing / restoration / reconstruction use (sui generis).
Dennow Farm, Firs Lane, Appleton, Warrington, WA4 5LF – Change of use in a green belt and conservation area, from existing A2 office building to a residential dwelling including a proposed new ground floor single storey extension and garage.
30 Shipbourne Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN10 3DS – Change of use of vacant retail area on ground floor to a one bedroom flat and associated external alterations.
77 Wrentham Street, Birmingham, B5 6QP – Demolition of existing building and erection of a six/seven storey building to provide 24 no. apartments and associated development
40 Trinity Street, Hanley, Stoke on Trent, ST1 5LJ – Change of use of upper three floors (Use Class D1) into 21 flats (Use Class C3)
14 Hillcrest Street and 5 Bucknall New Road, Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 2AA – Change of use from vacant nightclub to create four residential large HMO’s (Sui Generis) and elevation alterations
44 Alexandra Road, Farnborough Hampshire GU14 6DA – Erection of single storey rear extension and conversion of rear section of shop unit into one-bedroom flat; lawful development for use of upper floors as two self contained dwellings (C3).