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What is Class A Planning Usage?

Class A has been revoked as of September 1, 2020.

  • Classes A1, A2, and A3 have been replaced by the new Class E (a, b, c).
  • Classes A4 and A5 are not covered by the new Class E and are now categorized as ‘Sui Generis’.

Use Class A – Shops


Class A1 covers the following uses:

  • Retail sale of goods, excluding hot food.
  • Post office services.
  • Sale of tickets or operation as a travel agency.
  • Sale of sandwiches or other cold food intended for consumption off the premises.
  • Hairdressing services.
  • Funeral directing services.
  • Display of goods for sale.
  • Hiring out of domestic or personal goods or articles.
  • Reception of goods for washing, cleaning, or repair.
  • Sale, display, or service intended for visiting members of the public.
  • Internet cafés, where the primary function is to provide public internet access.


Class A2 includes:

  • Financial services.
  • Professional services (excluding health or medical services).
  • Other services appropriate for a shopping area, including betting offices, mainly serving visiting members of the public.


Class A3 involves:

  • Sale of food or drink for consumption on the premises.
  • Sale of hot food for consumption off the premises.


Class A4 is designated for:

  • Public houses, wine bars, or other drinking establishments.


Class A5 pertains to:

  • Sale of hot food for consumption off the premises.

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