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What are the latest developments with the planning process?

Challenges in Keeping Up with Planning Changes

Addressing questions about the planning process is challenging due to frequent updates and changes. It can be difficult to stay current with the latest developments. However, 4D Planning Consultants continuously monitor these updates and are equipped to provide the most recent information. Feel free to call us to discuss any queries, development ideas, or proposals. We are here to assist you.

Changes in London Borough Planning

Every London Borough has recently replaced its Unitary Development Plans (UDP) with a Local Development Framework (LDF). This new framework consists of various documents that outline the Borough’s development plans for the next 10-15 years. Each Borough has its own rules, regulations, and policies. 4D Planning Consultants study these documents to offer the most up-to-date service for our clients.

Recent Developments in Permitted Development Rights

On September 6, 2012, the government announced new plans to ease Permitted Development (PD) rights for different types of developments. The new plans, which went out for consultation on November 12, 2012, and were adopted on May 31, 2013, include:

  • Increasing the PD limits for the depth of single-storey domestic extensions from 4m to 8m (for detached houses) and from 3m to 6m (for all other houses) in non-conservation areas, for a period of three years. No changes are proposed for extensions of more than one storey.
  • Increasing the PD size limits for extensions to shop and professional/financial services establishments to 100 sq m, and allowing these extensions up to the property boundary (except where the boundary is with a residential property), in non-conservation areas, for a period of three years.
  • Increasing the PD size limits for extensions to offices to 100 sq m, in non-conservation areas, for a period of three years.
  • Increasing the size limits for new industrial buildings within the curtilage of existing industrial premises to 200 sq m, in non-conservation areas, for a period of three years.

On April 6, 2014, the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2014 came into force, extending the General Permitted Development Order (GPDO) to allow additional changes in use without the need for planning permission. These changes include the conversion of A2 and A1 shops to residential units without needing planning permission. The most recent amendment, The Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Amendment) (England) Order 2015, makes temporary changes of use from offices to residential permanent. Temporary permitted development rights currently apply to changes from B1(a) office use to C3 residential use, subject to Prior Approval regarding flooding, contamination, highways, transport issues, and noise impact. Development must be completed within three years from the prior approval date.

Prior Approval Scheme and Use Changes

The Prior Approval scheme for extended permitted development rights had a deadline of May 30, 2019. However, this deadline has been removed by the Planning Secretary and is now permanent.

Buildings with A1, A2, A3, A5, B1, D1, and D2 uses are permitted to change use for a single period of up to three years to A1, A2, A3, B1, and D1 (a, d, e, f, or g) uses.

Agricultural buildings can change to C3 use (dwellinghouses) with some necessary building operations, subject to certain criteria. For more information, please contact 4D Planning to discuss these criteria and requirements.

Buildings and land within B1, C1, C2, C2A, and D2 uses are permitted to change to state-funded schools or registered nurseries, subject to meeting certain criteria and obtaining Prior Approval for transport and highways impacts, noise impact, and contamination risks.

Permitted Development Rights have been extended to allow changes from B1(c) (light industrial) to C3 (dwellinghouses), subject to limitations and conditions, including prior approval from the local planning authority for certain matters. This applies only to applications received on or after October 1, 2017, with prior approval granted before October 1, 2020. Development must be completed within three years of the prior approval date.

Temporary Changes Due to the Coronavirus

Since March 2020, Permitted Development rights have been extended due to the Coronavirus epidemic to allow temporary changes of use from A1, A3, or A4 to a hot food take-away (Use Class A5). This extension does not apply to properties within an Article 3 or Article 4 designation.

Contact Us for More Information

If you are unsure whether your proposals meet the requirements set out in the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order, you should apply for a lawful development application. If you meet all requirements, you will receive a certificate of lawfulness or ‘Prior Approval’ from the council. 4D Planning Consultants can advise you on whether your development falls under permitted development. We can prepare this application on your behalf and produce all necessary architectural drawings.

For more information on the latest developments in the planning process, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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