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Use Classes Order & Permitted Changes of Use Summary

Guide to the Use Classes Order and Permitted Changes of Use 2020

Classes Order & Permitted Changes of Use

From To
A1 (shops) Class A was replaced on 1 September 2020. Consequently, the new Class E(a, b, c) incorporates the previous Class A1/2/3 uses. Meanwhile, Class A4/A5 now falls under ‘Sui Generis’. Here are the permissible changes:

A1 to Mixed Use

  • From A1 to Mixed Use: This transition permits conversion to either an A1 use or a combination of A1 and A2, including up to 2 flats.

A1 to C3

  • From A1 to C3: Prior approval is necessary, and the area is limited to 150m².

A1 to A2

  • From A1 to A2: Conversions between these uses are unrestricted.

A1 to A3

  • From A1 to A3: This change requires prior approval and is limited to 150m².

A1 to D2

  • From A1 to D2: Allowed with prior approval, up to 200m².

Temporary Change

  • Temporary Change: A1 can temporarily transition to A2, A3, or B1 for up to 2 years with council notification, within 150m².
A2 (professional and financial services) with a display window at ground level, excluding betting offices or payday loan shops The following changes are allowed for A2:

A2 to A1

  • From A2 to A1: Permitted if there is a display window at ground level.

A2 to Mixed Use

  • From A2 to Mixed Use: Allows conversion to a combination of A2 and A1, including up to 2 flats, with a display window at the ground floor level.

A2 to C3

  • From A2 to C3: Requires prior approval and is restricted to 150m².

A2 to A3

  • From A2 to A3: Requires prior approval, limited to 150m².

A2 to D2

  • From A2 to D2: Allowed with prior approval, up to 200m².

Temporary Change

  • Temporary Change: A2 can temporarily transition to A1, A3, or B1 for up to 2 years with council notification, within 150m².
A3 (restaurants and cafes) For A3, the following changes are allowed:

A3 to A1 or A2

  • From A3 to A1 or A2: These conversions are permitted.

Temporary Change

  • Temporary Change: A3 can temporarily transition to A1, A2, or B1 with council notification for up to 2 years, within 150m².
A4 (drinking establishments) A4 allows:

A4 to Expanded Food Provision

  • From A4 to Expanded Food Provision: Drinking establishments can enhance their food offerings under this change.
A5 (hot food takeaways) The following changes are permissible for A5:

A5 to A1, A2, or A3

  • From A5 to A1, A2, or A3: These transitions are allowed.

Temporary Change

  • Temporary Change: A5 can temporarily transition to A1, A2, A3, or B1 with council notification for up to 2 years, within 150m².
B1 (business) Since B1 Business was revoked on 1 September 2020, Class E(g) has replaced it. Here are the permissible changes:

B1 to B8

  • From B1 to B8: Allowed with a maximum area of 500m².

Temporary Change

  • Temporary Change: B1 can temporarily change to A1, A2, or A3 for up to 2 years with council notification, within 150m².

B1 to State-Funded School or Registered Nursery

  • From B1 to State-Funded School or Registered Nursery: Requires prior approval.

B1(a) Office to C3

  • From B1(a) Office to C3: Permitted within 3 years from the prior approval date.

B1(a) Office to B2

  • From B1(a) Office to B2: This transition is allowed.

B1(a) Office to C3 Residential

  • From B1(a) Office to C3 Residential: Requires council approval and is limited to 150m².
B2 (general industrial) The following changes are permitted:

B2 to B8

  • From B2 to B8: This conversion is allowed with a maximum area of 500m².

Temporary Change

  • Temporary Change: B2 can temporarily convert to A1, A2, A3, or B1 for up to 2 years with council notification, within 150m².
B8 (storage and distribution) Permitted changes include:

B8 to B1

  • From B8 to B1: This transition is allowed.

Temporary Change

  • Temporary Change: B8 can temporarily change to A1, A2, A3, or B1 with council notification for up to 2 years, within 150m².

Important Information on Use Classes and Permitted Changes

Please note: Buildings in any Use Class can serve as a state-funded school for 2 academic years. However, Class A4 buildings do not qualify for this provision. Permitted development rights might be removed through an Article 4 Direction. Therefore, always verify whether an Article 4 Direction applies before initiating a permitted change of use. For further assistance, please contact us. Typically, you do not need planning permission if both the existing and proposed uses fall within the same ‘use class.’ Furthermore, if the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) allows a change of use to another specified ‘use class,’ you do not need planning permission. For example, you can convert a greengrocer’s shop into a shoe shop without needing planning permission since they are in the same ‘use class.’ Likewise, you can convert a restaurant into a shop or estate agency under GPDO provisions. Nevertheless, any external building work associated with a change of use might still require planning approval.

Permitted Changes of Use

The table below summarizes permitted changes of use based on legislation updates effective from 6 April 2016. This guide simplifies complex legislation and includes additional comments and restrictions.

Additional Restrictions

While the table outlines common changes of use, further restrictions may apply. For instance, different rules may apply if the property is in a Conservation Area, National Park, or Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, or if it is a Listed Building or Scheduled Monument. Additionally, local planning authorities might withdraw permitted development rights in specific areas, requiring planning permission. Therefore, always consult your local Council before beginning any work. Larger houses in multiple occupation typically need a licence. For more information on licensing, visit the private renting section of Gov.uk.

Prior Approval

Certain changes of use require prior approval from the Local Planning Authority. This procedure addresses various concerns such as parking, highways, flooding, and contaminated land. For example, A3 uses require prior approval on noise, odour, waste collection, opening hours, transport impact, and existing shopping provision. A summary of findings and recommendations will be provided to ensure compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF 2012) and Local Plans.

Community Assets

Restrictions apply to public houses (A4) designated as community assets. If the Council designates a public house as a community asset, planning permission is required for any change of use or demolition. If it is not a community asset, developers must notify the Local Planning Authority at least 56 days before starting work. Community groups have the opportunity to purchase the property to retain it as a community asset. For details, see the Assets of Community Value (England) Regulations 2012.

Mixed Use Developments

For mixed-use developments in retail classes and betting offices/payday loan shops, permitted development rights apply. Check with your Local Planning Authority for specifics. Refer to GPDO Schedule 2, Part 3, Class M.

Office to Residential Conversion

Temporary permitted development rights apply to converting B1(a) office use to C3 residential use. Prior approval is needed for flooding, contamination, transport issues, and noise impact. To benefit from C3 use, the conversion must begin by 30th May 2019 (See GPDO Schedule 2, Part 3, Class O). Development must be completed within three years from the prior approval date. The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 also permits building operations necessary to convert the building to Class C3 (dwellinghouses) without needing a separate full application.

Storage/Distribution to Residential

Temporary permitted development rights apply to converting B8 storage and distribution use under 500m² to C3 residential use. This conversion is subject to criteria and prior approval for air quality, transport impacts, contamination risks, flooding risks, and noise impact. To benefit from C3 use, the conversion must start by 15th April 2018 (See GPDO Schedule 2, Part 3, Class P).

Temporary Change of Use

Buildings with A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1, D1, and D2 uses can temporarily change to A1, A2, A3, and B1 uses for up to two years. For more details, see GPDO Schedule 2, Part 4 Class D.

Agricultural Buildings

Agricultural buildings under 450m² can convert to C3 use (dwellinghouses) with necessary building operations. This conversion must meet specific criteria, including no more than three dwellings within an agricultural unit. Prior approval is required for transport impacts, noise, contamination risks, flooding risks, and building suitability (See GPDO Schedule 2, Part 3, Class Q). Agricultural buildings under 500m² can change to flexible commercial uses (A1, A2, A3, B1, B8, C1, or D2). This conversion must meet certain criteria and obtain prior approval for uses over 150m² (See GPDO Schedule 2, Part 3, Class R). Agricultural buildings on land under 500m² can change to a state-funded school or registered nursery, subject to meeting specific criteria and obtaining prior approval for transport impacts, noise, contamination risks, flooding risks, and building suitability (See GPDO Schedule 2, Part 3, Class S).

Light Industrial to Dwellinghouses

Class PA, introduced by the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) (Amendment) Order 2016, allows a change of use from B1(c) light industrial to C3 dwellinghouses, subject to limitations and conditions. Prior approval from the local planning authority is required for certain matters. This applies to applications received on or after 1 October 2017, with prior approval granted before 1 October 2020. Development must be completed within three years of the prior approval date.

State Funded Schools and Registered Nurseries

Buildings and land within B1, C1, C2, C2A, and D2 uses can change to state-funded schools or registered nurseries. This conversion requires meeting specific criteria and obtaining prior approval for transport and highways impacts, noise, and contamination risks (See GPDO Schedule 2, Part 3, Class T). See here for further information on use classes.

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